Name: Scryren
Alias: Scry
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5' 4"
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Dark brown and silver
ID Marks: Silver bangs

Species: Kumori (half-breed)
Home Realm: Akheron
Current Location: Oneiroi havens
Alliance: Oneiroi

Profession: Oneiroi data haven admin
Weapons on Body: H&K USP .45
Gear on Body: --
Magic: LV.2

Behavior: Lazy but tactfully blunt... with a two-by-four
Enjoys: Information hunting and archiving, napping, and turkey clubs.
Hates: Powersurges

Mother: Oneiroi half-breed (Status: dead)
Father: Kumori (Status: dead)
Siblings: Lothar, brother (Status: alive)
Friends: Kryito, Ausker
Enemies: The OAS, megacorps and the Council.

Scry helps Lothar gather information but it comes with a price--paying for lunch.

Scry's online avatar is an anthro with bat ears, wings and a tail.

Obvious self-insertion for ego purposes. Her original purpose was to show the difference between half-breeds and half-bloods.